Once again, it's time for the 4.+ hour road trip. I leave thursday after dinner and arrive in Dayton late... But Bob is always awake. Again this year I missed pictures on the first day due to a back memory card. That's unfortunate, since the first day was really nice. So, here's the second day...

Indoors, you can always buy Xmas lights if you can't buy vacuum tubes.

My heart's desire, a 85102B, but with a list price of $2000.

Dad with wet child in wagon.

Bob, posed with his Yaesu hat at the military teleprinter.

and again.

Military comm unit on top of pickup.

Evil Tech Systems 7K and 11K plugins; prices are 50% of the sticker.

Bob in front of massive antenna farm

Na vapor lamp of some variety


Dayton, home of one more wacky thing.

My last sight of Dayton.

File last written on Fri May 21 13:52:35 EDT 2004

e-mail: kahrs@ee.pitt.edu