As I wrote before, the Tektronix 7000 series has only one major
drawback: the use of custom Tek ICs.
I decided to make a list of them and the models where they are used.
155- Function What | ||
0004 | Readout: | |
0005 | Readout: | |
0006 | Readout: | |
0007 | Readout: | |
0008 | Readout: | |
0009 | Mainframe logic: horiz. lockout | 7104, 7854, 7834, 7904, 7904A, 7704, 7704A, 7934 |
0010 | Mainframe logic: chop divider/blanking | 7854, 7904, 7904A, 7834, 7704, 7704A, 7934 |
0011 | Mainframe logic: clock & chop blanking | 7104, 7854, 7904, 7904A, 7912HB, 7834, 7704, 7704A, 7934, 7912AD, 7603, 7623A |
0012 | Mainframe logic: Z axis amp | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7854, 7904, 7904A, 7912HB, 7834, 7934, 7912AD |
0013 | Mainframe logic: DC binary | 7104, 7854, 7904, 7904A, 7834, 7704, 7704A, 7934 |
0014 | Knob readout: A/D | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7854, 7904, 7904A 7912HB, 7834, 7L5 opt28, 7934, 7912AD, 7603, 7623A |
0015 | Knob readout: Analog data switch | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7904, 7904A 7834, 7854, 7934, 7603, 7623A |
0017 | Knob readout: BCD decimal | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7854, 7904, 7904A 7912HB, 7834, 7934, 7912AD, 7603, 7623A |
0018 | Knob readout: zero logic | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7854, 7904, 7904A 7834, 7934, 7603, 7623A |
0019 | Knob readout: decimal pt & space | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7904, 7904A 7834, 7603, 7623A |
0020 | Knob readout: ch switch output | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7904, 7904A 7834, 7603, 7623A |
0021 | Knob readout: timing generator | 7904, 7834, 7704, 7704A, 7934, 7603, 7623A |
0022 | Channel switch | 7704, 7704A, 7854, 7912HB, 7834, 7904, 7904A 7934, 7912AD, 7603, 7623A |
0023 | Knob readout: char generator | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7904, 7904A 7834, 7603, 7623A |
0024 | Knob readout: spec sym | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7904, 7904A 7834, 7603, 7623A |
0025 | Knob readout: prefixes | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7904, 7904A 7834, 7603, 7623A |
0026 | Knob readout: letters | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7904, 7904A 7834, 7603, 7623A |
0027 | Knob readout: special alpha | 7104, 7704, 7704A, 7904, 7904A 7834, 7603, 7623A |
0035 | Quad Op amp | 7L5,7L12,7 L13, 7S12, 7T11 |
0038 | AD/DA | 7D13, 7M13 |
0042 | Miller integrator | 7L13 |
0049 | Horizontal: sweep control with lockout | 7B80,7B87, 7B92A, 7B90P |
0056 | Horizontal: sweep control | 7L13 |
0059 | Vertical Amp | 7854, 7904, 7834, 7912AD |
0060 | Trigger channel switch | 7904(early) |
0061 | Channel switch | 7B92A |
0064 | Output amp | 7854, 7834, 7912AD |
0065 | Output amp | 7904 |
0067 | Power supply regulator | 7104, 7854, 7904, 7904A, 7834, 7704A, 7934 |
0068 | Output amp | 7A19 |
0076 | Input protection | 7A29 |
0077 | Hybrid (vertical amp) | 7704A |
0078 | Vertical amp | 7904(trigger channel switch late), 7A24,7A26, 7912HB, 7834, 7854, 7A16P, 7912AD |
0080 | Vertical amp | 7603 |
0088 | Knob readout: legend generator | 7L13 |
0090 | 4 decade counter | 7B85, 7B15 |
0095 | HF diff amp | 7904, 7834 |
0108 | Op amp | 7L5 |
0109 | Horizontal: trigger | 7B80, 7B85,7 B87, 7B90P |
0110 | Legend generator | 7L5 |
0117 | Knob readout control | 7L5 |
0118 | Vertical control | 7L5 |
0126 | Horizontal: trigger amp | 7B80, 7B85, 7B87. 7B90P |
0135 | microprocessor controlled time slot decoder | 7B90P |
0150 | Trigger | 7B92A, 7B15, 7B10 |
0160 | Sweep generator | 7B15, 7B10 |
0164 | Time slot switch | 7A16P, 7B90P |
0167 | 4 bit D/A | 7854 |
0171 | 4 decade counter | 7A85 |
0173 | Vertical channel switch | 7104, 7912HB, 7934, 7904A (both horiz and vert ch sw) |
0174 | Delay line compensator | 7104 |
0175 | Trigger amp | 7104, 7912HB (vertical pre), 7A29, 7934 (vertical pre), 7904A (vertical pre) |
0176 | Vertical output | 7104 |
0178 | Horizontal output | 7104, 7912HB (vertical output), 7934 (vertical output), 7904A (vertical output) |
0179 | Clamp | 7104 |
0180 | Fast input protection | 7A29 |
0181 | Input amplifier | 7A29 |
0185 | 4-decade DVM | 7B85, 7B15 |
0187 | FT doubler | 7854 |
0194 | 200 ohm CRT terminator | 7104 |
0198 | Knob readout control, horiz | 7L5 |
0199 | Vertical control | 7L5 |
0206 | Channel switch | 7854 |
0207 | Vertical amp | |
0215 | Mainframe logic | |
0216 | Horizontal: | |
0218 | Vertical amp | |
0225 | TV & CRT control | |
0244 | General | |
0247 | TV & CRT | |
0252 | General | |
0253 | General |